What happens when a domain is moved but the old nameservers still answer?

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at nic.fr
Wed Nov 23 10:52:52 UTC 2005

On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 10:21:30AM +0100,
 Eivind Olsen <eivind at aminor.no> wrote 
 a message of 26 lines which said:

> What's supposed to happen when a domain is moved from one set of
> nameservers to another, and the old ones still give out the old
> data?

People who query the old nameservers (either because they use it as
forwarders or because the TTL for the NS records did not expire yet)
will get old data.

> Then the owners of "boardgamerules.org" changes the delegation so it
> resides on two new nameservers, dns1.example.com and
> dns2.example.com,

dig NS boardgamerules.org.

And look at the TTL field, you'll know how long to wait before you get
the new info (if you're impatient, restart the cache).

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