3rd tier & 4th tier domains

Kevin Darcy kcd at daimlerchrysler.com
Thu Nov 17 20:16:00 UTC 2005

The delegation tree is hierachical. Once you delegate mxx.yyy.com, then 
things underneath it, e.g. td3.mxx.yyy.com can only be delegated 
*from*that*zone*, not anywhere else. And the converse is also true, if 
td3.mxx.yyy.com is delegated from the root zone, then it's incompatible 
with an intermediate delegation to mxx.yyy.com.

												- Kevin

spamabyss at charter.net wrote:

>I'm having trouble configuring an internal root server.  My problem is
>that we utilize 3rd and 4th tier domain names, and is rejected on
>startup. I'm hoping the solution is that I do not have to change the
>3rd tier zone to be a 4th tier zone also, since this is enterprise wide
>and has existed successfully for many years now.  I would appreciate
>any comments/suggestions, heck - even flames :-).  For example, for
>customer dns we have zones
>but for our internal infrastructure we place our devices in zone
>so in  /usr/local/named1/var/named  wehave
>and works fine for each individual nameserver.
>But we need a localhost internal root nameserver that can resolve to
>various customer domains as well as our infrastructure zones, but bind
>will only search either the 4th tier or third tier, or just fail to use
>the db.root if I include both there
>options {
>        directory "/usr/local/named0/var/named";
>        listen-on {; };
>        pid-file "/usr/local/named0/var/run/named.pid";
>zone "." IN {
>   type master;
>   file "db.root";
>zone "localhost" IN {
>  type master;
>  file "fwd.localhost";
>zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN {
>        type master;
>        file "localhost.rev";
>. IN    SOA localhost. root.localhost. (
>                              2005111501 ; serial
>                              3H ; refresh
>                              15 ; retry
>                              1w ; expire
>                              3h ; minimum
>                             )
>   IN  NS localhost.
>td3.mxx.yyy.com. 9999999   IN      NS      crytd3-ic1.mxx.yyy.com.
>d01.mxx.yyy.com. 9999999   IN      NS      crytd3-ic1a.mxx.yyy.com.
>d04.mxx.yyy.com. 9999999   IN      NS      crytd3-ic1b.mxx.yyy.com.
>; When commented out, the db.root file is loaded and I can resolve the
>4th tier zones
>;  If I uncomment these, I get non-glue records error and db.root does
>not load.
>;mxx.yyy.com. 9999999   IN      NS      crytd3-ic1.mxx.yyy.com.
>;                      9999999   IN      NS
>;                      9999999   IN      NS
>crytd3-ic1.mxx.yyy.com.    9999999 IN A
>crytd3-ic1a.mxx.yyy.com.   9999999 IN A
>crytd3-ic1b.mxx.yyy.com.   9999999 IN A
>$INCLUDE rev.td3.mso.mci.com
>$INCLUDE rev.d01.mso.mci.com
>$INCLUDE rev.d04.mso.mci.com
>Please let me know if I need to provide more info.  I think it is
>enough for someone to tell me what I don't want to hear :-)   I just
>didn't want to clutter it up with more than necessary.

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