Vahric MUHTARYAN vahric at
Wed Nov 16 13:10:03 UTC 2005

Hi Everybody , 
            I installed bind 9.3.1 on fedora core 3 and When I start named
it's giving an message like this  " dns2 kernel: process `named' is using
obsolete setsockopt SO_BSDCOMPAT " I check mailing list and history but I
couldn't find any information for solve it , also on google. Do you have any
idea why this message anonced by kernel ? one time named are stopped , any
relation with this message ? 
Best Regards 
Sistem Mühendisi/System Engineer
Tel / Phone : +90 212 326 92 00
Fax : +90 212 227 28 11
E-mail : vahric.muhtaryan at
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