DNS on private network

Jiann-Ming Su sujiannming at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 00:56:34 UTC 2005

On 11/16/05, Rodrigo Sanchez Re <rodrigo.sanchezre at itau.com.ar> wrote:
> Hi,
>         I have a DNS server on a private network. It Server is authoritative
> for our private domain and it has some forward zone for other Internals
> domains,  configurated on others DNS. So all the queries that It can't
> resolve itself or through of the forward zone, defined on it, are being sent
> to a root-nameserver to look for a answer from it. But I don't wish resolve
> queries for other domains don't defined. So, how can I do for DNS don't make
> queries to a roots-nameserver for domain don't defined on our DNS as master
> o forward zone?; I tried to remove "hint zone" but didn't work.
>         Thanks in advance

Use forwarding?  http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/DNS-HOWTO-4.html

Jiann-Ming Su
"I have to decide between two equally frightening options.
 If I wanted to do that, I'd vote." --Duckman
"The system's broke, Hank.  The election baby has peed in
the bath water.  You got to throw 'em both out."  --Dale Gribble

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