Partial local dns information - can I do this?

Barry Margolin barmar at
Sat May 21 06:01:43 UTC 2005

In article <d6kpn4$1p1j$1 at>, G 0kita <goo13c at> 

> > Make dns.cluster authoritative for the zones named c.organization and
> > d.organization:
> Thanks for the response Barry.  The thing is that I have about 20 or
> so individual machines (in the *.organization domain) I'd like to have
> information for on the local dns.cluster.  I think I wasn't very clear
> originally, let's try this again.  :)
> request for machine1.cluster -> dns.cluster
> Normal
> request for machine2.organization -> dns.cluster -> dns.organization
> Normal

You were perfectly clear the first time.  You're not the first person 
who has asked about this, it comes up every couple of weeks.

> request for machine3.organization -> dns.cluster
> I've got several machines like machine3 which I'd like dns.cluster to
> have information for, some of which appear in dns.organization's lists
> and some of which don't.
> If I understand your suggestion properly, I could get around this by
> making authoritative zones for each machine and then the rest of the
> requests for machine*.organization would go on to dns.organization.


> - Won't the zone database for a machine3.organization zone have
> problems using a NS record of dns.cluster?

What kind of problem?

> - Seems like a lot of zones to have if each machine needs one.

Yes.  If you have lots of these, you could write a simple script that 
creates all the zone files, since they'll all follow a common template.

> - What I'd like to have is a ".organization" zone in dns.cluster which
> has local information _but_ also asks out to dns.organization if it
> doesn't have it locally.

Unfortunately, BIND doesn't work that way.  If there's a .organization 
zone, then the server will be authoritative for the entire zone and 
won't forward queries within it to another server (except for delegated 

Barry Margolin, barmar at
Arlington, MA
*** PLEASE post questions in newsgroups, not directly to me ***

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