Serial number too big.

Tim Peiffer peiffer at
Thu May 5 21:47:54 UTC 2005

Change your practice.  The serial number is an unsigned integer 2^32-1 
meaning that the serial number needs to be less than
4294967295.  If you lay this over the date

You will note that you have a granularity of approximately 10 minutes.  
Your serial number will need to represent a scheme something like 
CCYYMMDDHH(tens of minutes).

Replace your serial number to something that is within bounds and 
reload.  Your secondaries will pick up and continue onward.  There may 
be some scattered connectivity issues until the zone TTL times out.


Keith Woodworth wrote:

>Moved some servers around and running BIND 8.4.6 and I just reloaded a
>zone and get serial number too big.
>is the current serial number. I dont recall the other BIND server that was
>authoritiative complaining, which is running: 8.3.4.
>How can I recover or fix this particular message? A google search for
>bind serial number too big is less than helpful.

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