dns wildcard domain

Antonello Carlomagno a.carlomagno at synergica.it
Thu Mar 10 16:24:43 UTC 2005

Hi, I apologize but I am newbie..

I have this question:

it possible to create a MX record that resolve this case:

I have a exampledomain.com
I have 2 mailbox  first at exampledomain.com and second at exampledomain.com


If send a message to the 2 mailbox, I received the message. and it' ok.

but I want to receive a message from other with this format:
test at email.com.exampledomain.com
When i receive this address, I accept and I manage with my software.

I have tried, but i have received from dns ...Host not found....

How I set the MX record of DNS ?


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