free dns and free dynamic ip updater

uidzero uidzero at
Thu Mar 10 01:23:21 UTC 2005

val wrote:

>I am looking for a single service, or a combination, that will provide
>me with free DNS service as well as a free dynamic ip updater.
>I plan to host several toplevel domains on my own server which is
>currently assigned a dynamic ip from my isp.  I know my ip will change
>occassionally but if I do not have an automatic ip updater I will
>occassionally have downtime on the domains I host and this would be
>bad for my business and more importantly, my customers.
>I know there are several sites which allow me to subscribe to
>non-toplevel domains and these places do provide dynamic ip updaters. 
>One example is dynsev
>I can subscribe, for free, to domains such as or
> etc.  Very easy but is there a way to have all
>these great services for toplevel domains and still have them free?
>Let me know if this is only available in my dreams.


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