Different results for the same lookup

Trigge, Graham Graham.Trigge at team.telstra.com
Mon Mar 7 05:01:22 UTC 2005

Guys and gals,
I have a dilema that I am hoping someone has had in the past and can
offer some assistance. I have a need to setup my DNS structure so that
the results from a DNS lookup will differ depending on where the user is
located on the network. For example, if a user in Network A requests
abc.net.au (internal), the returned value is different to that of user B
in Network B also requesting acb.net.au from the same DNS

Graham Trigge
Telstra Australia
IT Technical Specialist
Messaging Support, Northern Region
W   +61 2 9201 9577
M   +61 409 654 434

"Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana" 


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