Named stops responding after reboot?

Vinny Abello vinny at
Wed Jun 29 23:19:16 UTC 2005

At 06:52 PM 6/29/2005, aklist_bind at wrote:
>Just to follow up on my own post (wiping the egg off my glasses):
>I guess I hadn't rebooted the machine EVER since it was first set up,
>because right after I set it up, I must have done two things:
>killed iptables
>killed named and restarted it bypassing the chroot
>When the machine was restarted, the default rc.d settings were as James
>suspected...BIND set to run in a chroot jail. I had forgotten that I had
>manually bypassed that later.
>I also forgot that I had manually killed iptables (I know it's bad, but the
>server's behind a firewall...I had intended to get iptables reconfigured
>back when I first set up BIND but forgot!)
>So, killing iptables and using /usr/sbin/named brought it back to life.
>You may all flame me for being a newbie 'tard now <g>.

Good detective work! :)

That wasn't expected, was it? ;)

Vinny Abello
Network Engineer
Server Management
vinny at
(973)300-9211 x 125
(973)940-6125 (Direct)
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