Why do I need a dot at the end of my lookup?

Thomas Kinghorn [MTNNS -Rosebank] thomask at mtnns.net
Fri Jul 22 12:09:53 UTC 2005


>From: Eivind Olsen [mailto:eivind at aminor.no]=20
>--On 22. juli 2005 11:05 +0200 "Thomas Kinghorn [MTNNS -Rosebank]"=20
><thomask at mtnns.net> wrote:
>> Query was c:\nslookup www.cisco.com server.domain.name
>> A TCP dump on server shows:
>> Host.domain.name.1959 > server.domain.name.domain:  2+ A?
>> www.cisco.com.int.domain.name. (45) [tos 0x28]
>I'm not familiar with this exact output, but... Host.domain.name is the
machine where you ran c:\nslookup ? And=20
>server.domain.name is your DNS-server where you did this TCP-dump? If
so, it looks like it's not the SERVER which > attaches "int.domain.name"
to the requests, since that is already mentioned in the DNS-request from
Host.domain.name ?


However, when I query other nameservers, it does not do this.

The server I query is a caching only server.
This server give a 2 second timeout to any query.

This is causeing headaches for our clients.

If you add the dot at the end of the query, the 2 second timeout



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