named and SpamAssassin

Chris cpollock at
Sun Jul 17 20:21:22 UTC 2005

Barry Margolin wrote:

>> What does the /NS/IN stand for?
> NS means it's querying for a NameServer record, and IN means INternet
> class (just about everything is in this class, so you can pretty much
> ignore it).
> So someone was trying to look up the nameservers for the
> domain.  It's pretty unusual for applications to look up NS records
> explicitly, it mostly comes from troubleshooting utilities.

Jul 17 11:49:20 cpollock spamd[15496]: processing message <20050718014838>
for chris:501. 
Jul 17 11:49:21 cpollock named[10429]: FORMERR resolving
Jul 17 11:49:21 cpollock named[10429]: FORMERR resolving '':
Jul 17 11:49:21 cpollock named[10429]: FORMERR resolving
Jul 17 11:49:21 cpollock named[10429]: FORMERR resolving
Jul 17 11:49:21 cpollock named[10429]: FORMERR resolving '':
Jul 17 11:49:21 cpollock named[10429]: FORMERR resolving
Jul 17 11:49:26 cpollock spamd[15496]: identified spam (8.5/5.0) for
chris:501 in 6.2 seconds, 4196 bytes. 

Barry, above is the complete syslog entry on this message from when spamd
was called to the time it was identified as spam.  The url's that named is
attempting to resolve are in the message.  However, it seems that not all
spam messages with url's embeded are being resolved or attempting to. 
Guess its just another mystery of life.  Of course it could be Razor,
Pyzor, DCC or any of the other network checks I run that is actually
calling named to do this. Its not hurting anything so as you suggested I'll
just ignore it.  I just get curious when I see new things in my syslog.


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Mandriva Linux 10.1 Official, kernel
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