Dynamic Host DNS Registration

Sten Carlsen ccc2716 at vip.cybercity.dk
Sun Jul 10 10:22:51 UTC 2005

I just spotted another piece of trouble coming your way:

If you have or ever think of having a MAC or certain other things in 
your network: DON'T ever use .local as your local TLD-name. .local has a 
special meaning for MACs (basic building block in "rendevouz", MAC 
version of UPNP). Use anything else like .lan, .home, .xyz, ...; if you 
have an external domain name, use that internally as well.

I learnt this the hard way; it took me a couple of days to get anything 
to work on my brand new MAC. I switched from .local to .home. There is a 
surprisingly large number of places that needs to change.

Jim Logan wrote:

>Hello everyone,
>I am new to this list and to bind, so please forgive any naive 
>questions.  I've tried searching for an answer, but I can't find one.  
>Maybe I'm searching on the wrong keywords?
>I have successfully set up a DNS server behind my firewall/NAT router 
>that resolves my local names to local IP addresses.  I am now trying to 
>add the ability to have Windows XP machines register their IP addresses 
>and local host names with the DNS server.  I've been taking things one 
>step at a time while I learn about BIND, so I'm leaving my DNS server 
>completely insecure for the moment.
>Here's the problem.  The Windows XP event log is showing a failure, but 
>I can't see anything that indicates a failure or denial on the DNS side, 
>even though the zone files never change.  I do see messages in response 
>to the registration in the query log, and I do see debugging trace 
>messages in named.run, but I'm seeing nothing obvious that says the 
>update is failing.  The closest thing I see in the debugging messages is:
>    req: leaving (JimLogan.localhost, rcode 0)
>    make_rr(localhost, 13a000, bfffeb34, 476, 1) 45 zone 2 ttl 86400
>(BTW, I haven't gotten around to changing the name of my "localhost" 
>zone to a different name, like "local".  I hope that's not a factor.  I 
>inherited that zone name from the Mac OS X configuration and never 
>changed it.)
>I've tried setting the following within the localhost and reverse-lookup 
>zones without effect:
>    * allow-update { all; };
>    * allow-update { mynet; }; (where mynet is defined at the top of the
>      file as "acl mynet {;; };")
>    * not mentioning allow-update at all
>Does anyone have any suggestions?

Best regards

Sten Carlsen

Let HIM who has an empty INBOX send the first mail.

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