trouble compiling liblwres on Windows (BIND 9.3.0)

Stefan Puiu stefanpuiu at
Thu Jan 20 15:22:48 UTC 2005

Hi again,

it seems building liblwres from BIND 9.3.0 on Windows 2000 requires 
iphlpapi.h, a file which is supposed to be in the MS SDK. However, the 
file isn't part of my Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (+SP5) install. I see the 
win32utils/win32-build.txt file states MS VC++ 6.0 SP3 as a minimum 
requirement, but doesn't seem to have been updated lately (no change 
between 9.2.3 and 9.3.0, the date inside is from 2001). Any changes in 
the build requirements for Windows I should know about?

Thanks in advance.

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