Clarification - Reverse DNS Setup

originalremfan at originalremfan at
Fri Jan 7 20:19:45 UTC 2005

We've just purchased T1 service and our provider will be delegating
reverse DNS for the block to our name servers.  I've done reverse DNS
before, but always on class C's, which have been very straight
forward... This is not!  I have read the Bind book, browsed every Bind
reference on the net and I've come to the point where the more I read,
the more confused I am!  I need some clarification, please.

My ISP says that they will be delegating
160/ to me (just pretend the IPs are real).
I've set up the following in my named.conf:

zone "162.160/" {
type master;
file "db.162.160-";
allow-query { any; };

and the zone file:

$ORIGIN 162.160/
$TTL    1D
@       IN      SOA (
2005010702; Serial
604800         ; Refresh
86400         ; Retry
2419200         ; Expire
604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL

@       IN      NS

162     IN      PTR

So my question is - is this going to work?  Have I done it right?
Since the ISP hasn't set up the CNAMEs on their server yet, I don't
think I have any way of testing it yet.  If this isn't right, can
anyone clarify the setup for me?  Like I said, I've tried my best to
set it up, but it's very confusing (at least for me!!).


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