Local Resolving Issues on Caching Servers?

G. Roderick Singleton gerry at pathtech.org
Wed Jan 5 17:21:51 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 11:55, Two Dog wrote:
> Hello There,
> I'd like to bounce this off  you guys and hopefully get pointed in the
> right direction.
> We have the following domain mga-cgoon01CA100.cogeco.ca of which we
> are authorative for.  I've seen issues where our two recursive caching
> resolvers could not resolve that domain.  After a reload of named they
> were able to resolve the domain properly.
> Why wouldn't the caching resolvers be able to look up that record
> until after a reload?  Is it a possible glue record issue? Is a glue
> record needed for the host mga-cgoon01CA100? Could the 'cache' have
> been full, also is the cache a FIFO situation when the memory (4 gigs
> on each caching resolver) gets full?
> Your thoughts on this matter are greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.

I would check that CIRA has the domain registered. When I query
mga-cgoon01CA100.cogeco.ca there are errors.
G. Roderick Singleton <gerry at pathtech.org>
PATH tech

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