Antwort: DDNS to update DNS-ZoneData fromDHCP

holger.honert at holger.honert at
Wed Feb 23 06:49:35 UTC 2005

Hi Andreas,
we have done this with approx. 3.000 clients and worked fine. we haven't 
had big problems concerning the distribution of these dyn. records to the 
secondaries if working with notifies.
depending on the network connectivity nearly in the same second we got the 
updates on the secondary. if your machines are located in a LAN or 
broadband WAN you should not get into trouble.
if you want to monitor this you should know that the journal-files on the 
prim. and the sec. server don't have timestamps, so you use the 
message-logs and make sure that the times are synchronized. 
with the tool journalprint (located in the distribution of BIND in 
bin/tests) you can check only the contents of the journal-files (they are 
in binary-format).

if you would like I can post my configs.
Kind Regards/ Freundlichen Gruß
Holger Honert
Joseph-Scherer-Str. 3
44139 Dortmund
Phone: +49 231/135-4043
FAX: +49 231/135-2959
mailto: holger.honert at

"andy" <andreasathome at>
Gesendet von: bind-users-bounce at
18.02.2005 23:14
An:           comp-protocols-dns-bind at
Thema:        DDNS to update DNS-ZoneData fromDHCP

we are planing to use dyn. dns to update the zone data from the dhcp

the question:
have erverbody done this before for 4000 clients in one zone

how long does it work if a dhcp server do one update until the slave
name server has the information

thanks for any practice

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