rndc key for bind 9.3.0. catch-22?

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Thu Feb 3 14:07:44 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com> writes:

    Christopher> How do I generate a key for the /etc/rndc.conf file
    Christopher> with bind version 9.3.0?
    >>  Well the man page for rndc.conf describes two ways of doing
    >> this:
    >> [1] rndc-confgen [2] throw any old rubbish at mmencode or
    >> anything else that generates a valid base-64 encoded string

    Robert> where is mmencode?  Can't seem to find it....

I'm surprised that you expect anyone here would know what software is
installed on your computer -- what OS? -- and where all of it is

Feeding mmencode into google returns 12,900 links. You could try some
of them. [Or are you going to ask what is google? :-)] A keyword
search for base-64 in your computer's man pages should unearth details
of whatever utilities are installed for generating base-64 strings.
FWIW, a google search on "base-64 utilities" throws up 150,000+ links
so it can't be that hard to find something that'll generate base-64
strings. Not that you need them if you used rndc-confgen or
dnssec-keygen to generate the base-64 keys for /etc/rndc.conf.

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