Do I really need an MX record ? (for e-mail to work)

²z©÷ leicheong.bbs at
Sat Dec 24 04:16:00 UTC 2005

※ 引述《kboyack at (Kurt Boyack)》之銘言:
> You made two changes. One was forgetting to add an MX record, and the
> other was changing the IP address of your mailhost. You are assuming
> that getting rid of the MX record is the reason you are getting less
> spam, but you also think that most spam comes from zombies and that
> zombies do not use MX records.
> Weather you have an MX record or not, the spammers will eventually
> figure out which IP can be used for getting email to your domain, and
> the spam will start flowing again. Several people on this list have
> recommended having MX records, and I think that is the best practice.
> Without MX records, there could be people that cannot send email to
> you. If that is acceptable by the people you work for, then you have
> no reason for having MX records.
I'd like to comment a little on this as well.

Having MX record is like having standard mailboxes at the entrance
of your building. If you don't have that, the postman will have no
problem taking the letter to your apartment and drop the letter through
the letterhole on the door.

Likewise, the annoying advertisement leaflet sender here in Hong Kong
will have not problem drop the leaflets in the letterhole either.

You really can't stop unwanted people finding where to deliver things
to you unless you know who they are(note: finding only :) ), if you
know that you many receive email from somewhere you don't know. (That's
the case for most sales department)

Does the above make sense to you?
※ Origin: SayYA 資訊站 <> 
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