problem with missing queries

JINMEI Tatuya / 神明達哉 jinmei at
Mon Dec 5 08:50:42 UTC 2005

>>>>> On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 12:33:15 +0100 (MET), 
>>>>> "Tom Schmitt" <TomSchmitt at> said:

> When I was searching for the source of the problem a found a large number of
> syscalls produced by the named giving back errors.

> The errors occuring there:
> syscall   second  calls   errors
> recvmsg     .93   37977    14575

> My question is:
> Is this a problem of the serversystem (like too much queries to handle for
> the ipstack) or is there any problem known for the named 9.2.1 that can be
> the source for these errors?

There is only less information to provide a definitive answer, but
errors for the recvmsg() system call per se does not necessarily mean
abnormality.  Since named makes receiving sockets non-blocking,
recvmsg() calls can often fail with an EAGAIN (or EWOULDBLOCK?) error.

					JINMEI, Tatuya
					Communication Platform Lab.
					Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
					jinmei at

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