Updating BIND 8.2.7 for cache poisoning

John Kim kimdw at nida.or.kr
Tue Aug 9 01:12:59 UTC 2005

First of all, Thank you for answering my questions.

But, I have more questions.

I would like to know how weak BIND 8.2.7 is for cache poisoning.

One of the our alliance companies is running the program which is 
optimized on BIND 8.2.7,  so

they have difficulty and spend much time to update the service program 
and BIND.

Which BIND version is not only safe for cache poisoning but also similar 
to BIND 8.2.7.

I would like to recommend them to use that BIND version until they 
finish updating the service program.

Thank you


John Kim (kimdw at nida.or.kr)

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