geo-targeted dns

Jason Morehouse jm at
Fri Aug 5 19:42:10 UTC 2005


I'm not sure if this is possible with bind(9.2), but hoping someone may
have a suggestion...

We have a server in New Zealand and a server in Texas.  We would like
users within NZ to be sent to the NZ server, and users in the US to be
sent to the US server (more countries & servers to come).  We'd like
this to be transparent as possible, using the same url (not www2 etc). 

It doesn't have to be 100% accurate, but assuming most people use dns
servers located within their own country, it's conceivable to have the
name server return the approbate server ip, based on the users location
(using an ip-to-country database).

I guess the question is, is there a way to script zone queries?  If I
could get it into a perl script, or something to the like, we may be in
business --  of course I could be missing something completely.

Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated!


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