Bind 9 is slow? Please help

Tim Cantin tcantin at
Tue Apr 26 15:42:22 UTC 2005

I'm also having a problem with slow lookups on bind 9.3.1 and sol9. If I run
named v9 with my v8 configs, the uncached lookups are slow (like 5-15 seconds,
sometimes timing out entirely). Subsequent lookups of the same name work on the
first or second retry afterwards. The v8 named works in <= 2 seconds with the
same configs for uncached entries.

I've tried running "named -4" and rebuilding with "./configure --disable-ipv6",
but neither seem to make a difference.

When I do a "netstat -a" I see reference to IPv6, so I'm going to try to
disable IPv6 at the OS level (not sure how to do that yet).

Any other ideas?



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