Scripting Help

Kurt Boyack kboyack at
Mon Apr 18 00:08:18 UTC 2005

On 4/17/05, bill at <bill at> wrote:
> I sorry if this is a littler off topic but...
> My company recently acquired about 80 domains and I've been tasked with
> setting up DNS for these domains.
> They will all point to the same IP address. Does any one know of a script
> that with help with setting up all of the domains without having to key 8=
> new db files?
> Thanks in Advance
> Bill Heese
> Senior Macintosh LAN Administrator
> Conair Corporation

If you have access to a UNIX shell, you could do the following. Create
two files. One file with the domain names, 1 per line (domain.list).
And the other file a generic db file (db.DOMAIN). Use DOMAIN in the
db.DOMAIN file wherever the domain name should be. Then you can run
something like this:

while read DOMAIN
   sed "s at DOMAIN@$DOMAIN at g" < db.DOMAIN > db.$DOMAIN
done < domain.list

You can put the above script into a file to make it easier to edit and
execute. This will create a db file for every domain listed in
domain.list, and will save you a lot of typing.

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