Trouble with key option (bind 9.2.4)

Olaf Martens olafmartens at
Mon Apr 4 12:57:46 UTC 2005


I'm attempting to set up a dial-in server that has both a named and a dhcpd 
running. So far everything works fine.
However, I intend to allow dhcpd to do dynamic zone updates, but when I try to 
convince bind to accept a key option (I need this one for authenticating my 
dhcpd against the named) I get the following error message:

/etc/named.keys:4: unknown option 'key'

/etc/named.keys is included in named.conf and has the following contents:

# generated by genDDNSkey on Sat Apr  2 18:50:34 CEST 2005

algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "bla-blub";

According to the book "DNS and BIND" this should be correct, yet named refuses 
to accept that option. To bypass the problem for now I have set named to check 
the IP address of the originating update request.
In contrast, dhcpd takes the very same statement without a complaint.
What gives?

I'm using SuSE 9.2 (kernel 2.6.8-24.13)
BIND: 9.2.4
DHCP: 3.0.1

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Olaf Martens               Linux User #246244
Hugo-Luther-Str. 8         E-Mail: olafmartens at
38118 Braunschweig         Fon: +49-531-314834
"Who the heck is General Failure, and why is he reading my harddisk?"

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