Understanding logging.

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Wed Sep 22 14:00:41 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Lars-Johan" == Lars-Johan Liman <liman at autonomica.se> writes:

    Lars-Johan> Jim, are you QUITE sure? I'd say that '+' indicates
    Lars-Johan> that the RD (recursion DESIRED) bit was set (and '-' =
    Lars-Johan> not set) in THE INCOMING QUERY. The RA bit is
    Lars-Johan> extremely seldom set in a query.

Yes, you're quite right. I was wrong: this morning's caffeine hadn't
kicked in when I originally posted. The "+" and "-" entries refer to
the RD bit, not the RA bit. The bit is usually set when the query
comes from a stub resolver. Queries from name servers generally don't
set the RD bit.

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