F root server

Peter Losher Peter_Losher at isc.org
Sun Oct 3 06:37:13 UTC 2004

On Saturday 02 October 2004 03:01 pm, Eddy wrote:

> Using anycast for f.root-server.org, should make this root server
> available nearby, is my understanding. In my case (isp: xs4all,
> peering with Amsterdams AMS-IX) it still means that the nearest
> f-server is accross the ocean:
[... skipping dig output ...]
> This doesn't seem logical to me, since there are several servers
> available in Europe (Paris, Lisboa, Munich, Madrid, Rome).
> Is the (global anycast) routing correct for

Yes, please read ISC's tech note on this:

http://www.isc.org/index.pl?/pubs/tn/ (select ISC-TN-2003-1)



which talks about ISC's F-Root operations.

In short, most of our nodes are considered "local nodes" where the local 
F-Root server is made available to those that peer at the local IX where 
we are located at.  So if a ISP is able to peer with us at any of our 
locations, we will be happy to set up a perring session and their 
customers will reap the benefits.  Otherwise the F-Root traffic hits one 
of our "global nodes", which is what you saw with your dig query.

Best Wishes - Peter
Peter_Losher at isc.org | ISC | OpenPGP Key E8048D08 | "The bits must flow"

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