.tmp files being created on clave servers in 9.2.3 or 9.3.0

wharfratjoe joe at telepacific.net
Wed Oct 20 21:29:47 UTC 2004

First time posting here.

I have a slave server pulling zones from the master. If the master is 
unavailable it is not allowing zone transfers and the slave cannot pull 
the zones, I see a bunch of .tmp files being created in the /etc folder. 
I also have named.conf and the other config files in the /etc folder. I 
am running 9.2.3 and 9.3.0 on windows2003 server and cannot figure out 
the option to redirect the .tmp files to say a /tmp directory. The only 
thing that I see that is obsolete in Bind 9 is ixfr-tmp-file (not sure 
if this was it). Please help.

Other than this little nuisance both versions are running like champs.

Thanks in advance!

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