What is named.run?

Daniel Rudy 5n6o7.8d9c0r1u2d3y4.5s6p7a8m9 at 0e1m2a3i4l5.6p7a8c9b0e1l2l3.4i5n6v7a8l9i0d1.2n3e4t5
Fri Nov 26 04:50:09 UTC 2004

At about the time of 11/23/2004 2:27 PM, Bill Larson stated the following:

> On Nov 23, 2004, at 7:52 AM, Daniel Rudy wrote:
>>At about the time of 11/22/2004 4:27 PM, Kevin Darcy stated the 
>>>Daniel Rudy wrote:
>>>>I'm seeing this file in two places, / and /etc/namedb.  What is this
>>>>file and why is it showing up and how do I tell bind where to put it.
>>>>It looks like it contains information dealing with the startup of 
>>>>I'm running BIND 8.3.7-REL on FreeBSD 4.10.
>>>That's where named writes its debug output. My assumption would be 
>>>you have debug turned on in the startup.
>>I have the d1 option on the command line, so in case something goes
>>wrong, I can look back and see what happened.  I went through the
>>logging config, created different logging channels, and directed them 
>>syslog local facilies.  So the output is either to one of the 3 syslog
>>facilites or to /dev/null.  Now if there is a message category that is
>>not in the man page, I don't know what it would be.  Unless of course I
>>missed a category...
> How about the "default_debug" category that is used when "named" starts 
> up when the debug level isn't set to zero.  (Look at the BIND ARM.)
> Your "named" process will do some logging, at least opening up the log 
> file, before "named" reads the configuration file where the location is 
> reset to your desired location.  Setting the debug level causes logging 
> to "named.run" when "named" starts and won't be redirected until the 
> configuration file is read.
> Bill Larson

Ah, so that is what's going on.

Daniel Rudy

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