Chrooting Bind 9 issue

M Alan C my00sc00by at
Thu May 27 12:24:45 UTC 2004

I am running this:
/var/chroot/sbin/named -u resolver -t /var/chroot -c /var/chroot/etc/named.conf
and I am still getting this:
May 27 12:21:50 nameserver named[414]: [ID 873579 daemon.error] none:0: open: /var/chroot/etc/named.conf: file not found
May 27 12:21:50 nameserver named[414]: [ID 873579 daemon.crit] loading configuration: file not found
May 27 12:21:50 nameserver named[414]: [ID 873579 daemon.crit] exiting (due to fatal error)
my permissions are set to this:
-rwxr-xr--   1 resolver named       3277 May 25 06:09 named.conf
-rwxr-xr--   1 resolver named        247 May 24 12:35 rndc.conf
why is this not working?
how can I fix this?

Mark "Hamzter" C

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