Caching only nameserver fails to resolve external zones periodically

Ladislav Vobr lvobr at
Tue May 18 02:42:44 UTC 2004

>>NO! This must qualify as the silliest question posted here in quite
>>some time. Your question is a bit like asking if the syntax errors in
>>somebody's code are the compiler's fault. Forwarding is by definition
>>faulty. BIND9, the reference DNS implementation, is rarely faulty.
> Please, there is no need to get angry.  I have tried to post as much
> information as possible, as far as my understanding of the problem goes. 
> There is no need to belittle my lack of knowledge on the subject in

:-) don't take it personally this is jim's way, and don't stop asking it 
s the best think you can do, be always curious :-) many times problem 
gets solved by asking 'at the first look' the most silliest question 
anybody can imagine :-)


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