failure with empty hints file on forward first

phn at phn at
Thu May 13 16:59:02 UTC 2004

Jeff Stevens <jstevens at> wrote:
> does bind require the (hints) file to be populated if
> forward first is used? it seems to fail for such a case, while forward
> only works...

forward first means ( reading manpage from bind-8 ):

 This option is only meaningful if the forwarders list is not empty. A 
value of first, the default, causes the server to query the forwarders 
first, and if that doesn't answer the question the server will then 
look for the answer itself. If only is specified, the server will 
only query the forwarders.

Thus if forwarding fails the root-server hints is needed to find
the needed nameservers. 

> -- 
> Jeffrey Stevens

Peter Håkanson         
        IPSec  Sverige      ( At Gothenburg Riverside )
           Sorry about my e-mail address, but i'm trying to keep spam out,
	   remove "icke-reklam" if you feel for mailing me. Thanx.

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