Just one record fails

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Mon May 10 10:37:44 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Rob" == a r kuiters <a.r.kuiters at kpn.com> writes:

    Rob> Hi all, Since we did an upgrade to BIND 9.2 we have one
    Rob> record that keeps failing and strangely enough its on our
    Rob> primairy DNS. The slave just resolves it fine. What could be
    Rob> the case here?

This list's crystal balls have gone back for recharging so we can't
answer based on the info you've given. Try giving us the names and
addresses of the name servers, the name of the zone and the "failing"
RR: whatever that means. Relevant verbatim extracts from your zone and
named.conf files and name server logs would be a good help too. These
will be even more important if your servers are unreachable from the
internet. If we can't see exactly what your name servers see, how can
you expect anyone to diagnose this problem for you?

The most likely explanation is that the zone file on the master has a
syntax error which prevents it being loaded authoritatively. That will
stop the slave from transferring the zone. So it may well be handing
out possibly out of date data, including your "failing" RR.

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