Multiple Origin Statements

Barry Margolin barmar at
Fri May 7 18:29:42 UTC 2004

In article <c7giq5$1qvd$1 at>,
 saundersconsult at (Shawn) wrote:

> I am responsible and authoritative for 2 domains, and 1 sub-domain
> delegation. Those are simple. What I am having a problem with, is the
> way the DNS was setup, and how to properly setup some specific IP's
> accross multiple zones, that I am not authoritative for, but must
> reference in my DNS as part of my other zones.
> To clarify:
>  IN A aaa.bbb.ccc.111
>  IN A aaa.bbb.eee.222
>  IN A aaa.bbb.fff.333
> Now I have only been given a few specific IP's and have been informed
> that it will not be included in my upstream DNS provider (Government
> Work).
> I am to be authoritative for a few (about 6) different IP's that are
> in other Class B networks, that I am not authoritative for, but must
> resolve, while still allowing all my internal workstations access to
> the rest of these zones that are maintained by my upstream provider.
> Hope that is clear.  Any takers?  How the heck to you provide
> resolution for specific IP's without poisoning your zone files with
> out-of-zone entries.  And if I create zone files for these zones, then
> my server will consider itself authorative, and I won't be able to
> reach the other devices on the other network, which are part of that
> zone...  I am perplexed.

It's not clear what you're asking.  Are you trying to find out how to 
set up reverse DNS for these addresses?

You could have the maintainer of the parent zone delegate the specific 
reverse entries to you, e.g. the zone could contain:

111.ccc IN NS
        IN NS
222.eee IN NS
        IN NS
333.fff IN NS
        IN NS

Then you can create zones for each of these on your server.

Barry Margolin, barmar at
Arlington, MA
*** PLEASE post questions in newsgroups, not directly to me ***

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