Bind 9 questions..little stumped

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Thu May 6 04:16:50 UTC 2004

Hello everyone.

I'm a pretty new user to BIND here. In fact, still getting acquainted 
with DNS all together. Anyways, I started working with BIND in my free 
time to try and learn the ins and outs of DNS and how to run a DNS server.

Before I go on, I did order the O'Reilly book, DNS and BIND, 4th edition 
and expect here early next week. I am very excited to start reading this 

In the meantime, just have a question about getting started with BIND 9.

I'm a *BSD user and use Open and Free mostly. I went ahead and built the 
BIND 9 port and had it overwrite the exisiting BIND 8 files.

As im digging in here, I noticed that I get an error when I try and use 
rndc start. It says to the effect that:

rndc.key and rndc.conf not found in /etc/named

Digging through some man pages, I see I have to generate a key, which I 
did using the following:

rndc-confgen -a -r /etc/named/named.conf (I have not fixed the 
/dev/random on FreeBSD as I write this, which was suggested).

After I did that, as well as type: sh make-localhost in /etc/named  I 
proceeded to try and start bind:

rndc start
rndc: connect failed: connection refused

The only way I could get around this was by rebooting the box. But 
that's not a real efficient method to go by.

So I was hoping to get some help and feedback here on what im missing 
and why it works if I reboot the book, but if I try and start manually, 
it flops.

I appreciate it.


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