Is this a DNS security hole?

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard at Tesco.NET
Sun May 2 12:01:04 UTC 2004

JH> I can think of [this] possibilit[y]:
JH> - makes the entries in the gtld servers 

... which, of course, it does.  It's a "com." registrar.  That's what it
does.  It's a middleman between 2LD registrants and the "com." registry (which
drives what the "com." content DNS servers publish).


JH> (root servers for .com tld)

Don't abuse the term "root".  A TLD server is _not_ a "root" server.

JH> is registered through too? If not, it's 
JH> a *very* serious problem, since any .com registrar could add
JH> arbitrary DNS records to arbitrary domains.

Any "com." registrar can add arbitrary resource records anyway (where
"arbitrary" means "'A' or 'NS'").  The registry only has the registrar's word
that there's even a registrant involved, after all.  (The RRP does impose the
restriction that "HOST" and "DOMAIN" records must be registered via the same

JH> When it is registered through, it's only their
JH> security bug.

It's not a Register.COM problem at all, really.

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