rbldnsd and bind

Ken Anderson (Pacific Internet) ka at pacific.net
Fri Mar 26 22:37:56 UTC 2004

Yes, I see I'd need to add another load_resolver function to Dns.pm and 
change EvalTests.pm in SpamAssassin to call the new load_resolver 
function for the rbls that rbldnsd is serving locally on a different 
port. It would work, but alas, I think the antispam game is too fluid 
these days to make changes to the SA code that I'd have to duplicate 
with every new revision.
Ken A

Edvard Tuinder wrote:

> According to Ken Anderson (Pacific Internet):
>>This works okay, but SpamAssassin would be quicker if it could talk 
>>directly to rbldnsd without having to hit bind and then be forwarded to 
>>rbldnsd for the rbl check.
>>SpamAssassin uses perl Net::DNS to do rbl lookups, so I don't think 
>>there's anything on that end I can do - there's no way to specify an 
>>alternate port for DNS lookups.
> Ofcourse there is, but you'ld have to modify spamassassin.
> There should be a line with something similar to Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
> If you change that to $res   = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(LocalPort => xx);
> where xx is the port rbldns is listening on, it should work. This is
> not documented, but it is directly from the source.
> -Ed

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