HELP: Decomissioning a DNS anti-spam list

/dev/rob0 rob0 at
Mon Mar 22 03:09:48 UTC 2004

On Sunday 21 March 2004 13:34, Jim Reid wrote:
> >>>>> "Ronald" == Ronald F Guilmette <rfg at> writes:
>    Ronald> In short, do you ever even think about what you are saying
>    Ronald> and/or the implications thereof?
> Of course. I generally give more thought to a posting than it seems
> you ever did to your anti-spam blacklist service.

LOL! I was one of many DoS victims of Mr. Guilmette's service, such as 
it was. I was on a dialup ISP, some of whose mail exchangers were 
blacklisted. I looked up his procedure for removing an entry from his 
lists, and found it to be quite outrageous. I couldn't fault the ISP 
for not paying Mr. Guilmette's blackmail demand. It may well have been 
something completely beyond their control!

Professional, responsible, and competent blacklist maintainers provide
a reasonable means of removing wrongly-listed entries. Mr. Guilmette 
seemed to be on a personal crusade which precluded the use of reason. 
Fortunately most professional mail administrators could tell that the blacklists ... were maintained by monkeys. (Another reason 
I couldn't blame the ISP for not paying!)

>     Ronald> Do you realize how ridiculous what you just said is?
> It's only ridiculous to you. People can draw their own conclusions
> about that.

Indeed. Mr. Guilmette's credibility with me was down to zero before I 
ever had opportunity to read his posts on a newsgroup or mailing list. 
Unfortunately I'm only seeing your side of this exchange. Was he 
replying to you offlist? I shouldn't be surprised. :)

> you made three elementary mistakes and then blame the DNS protocol
> for the problems you've created for yourself? Sheesh! This is a bit
> like deliberately driving a car into a wall and then blaming the
> car's designers for including a steering wheel.

Thanks, Jim, for your responses to Mr. Guilmette. Since this is quite 
off-topic here I won't continue, but I hope that my perspective on the blacklists was at least of tangential interest.
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