forwarding queries to another name server

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Wed Mar 17 22:04:03 UTC 2004

Stephen Nizamoff wrote:

>Hello, I am looking for some help w/ forwarding queries to another name server. I have
>looked in the book and it seems simple enough but I am unable to make it work.
>I have a name server in a dmz which is allowed to speak w/ the internet. I have another
>name server sitting on our 10 net which cannot access the internet. In the named.conf
>on the internal server the "forwarders" option has been set with the ip of the dmz host. 
>On the dmz server the "allow-query" option has been set w/ the ip's for the internal servers.
It also needs to honor recursion for those servers in order for 
forwarding to work.

If you're still having problems, turn on query logging (or fire up some 
sort of network sniffer or sniffing utility) to see if the queries are 
actually getting to the forwarder.


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