
Servet Zeybek zeybek at mustang.europe.nokia.com
Wed Jun 30 12:11:48 UTC 2004

Hi guys
i have a question about HTTP, i know this list is about DNS but i couldnt
find an http list.
id be pleased if u could gimme an answer or an http list address

HTTP version  Statuscode  Text crlf
Headers crlf
Entity body

the above is HTTP response format. I need to check the status of the
i have 2 ways,
i could  read the response until the first space character which is between
HTTPversion and status code and then read the following 3 characters and
check it as status code
I could read the first whole line, and check the first line if it includes
any status codes such as (200-399).

but i have doubts i cant be sure if the responses will always be in this
format, i mean for example may an HTTP server not send this Version part in
the beginning of the response?, or may there be changes in this format?
what d u think is the best way to check the status of an http response
Thanks in advance

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