Setup a DNSSEC with my own public and private key

Jim Reid jim at
Fri Jun 25 17:19:59 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Manuel" == Manuel Gil Perez <manuel at> writes:

    Manuel> Hi all.  The dnssec-keygen tool permits to generate a
    Manuel> public and private key but I would like to create them
    Manuel> manually.

Why? The tool is much better at doing this -- and getting it right! --
than any manual process could hope to be. Few humans are good at
base-64 encoding or exponentiation of 1024-bit integers.

    Manuel> How can I configure a DNSSEC with my own keys??

Just use dnssec-keygen to generate them. Any other approach is doomed
to failure or exceptional amounts of pain. Or both. :-) The naming
convention and contents of the key files generated by BIND9's DNSSEC
tools are important. This is so the signing tools and the name server
know which files to use when they are signing data or generating DS
records. You really don't want to get in the middle of this complexity.

Some cans of worms are best left unopened. This is one of them.

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