Multiple Network Subnets within same Domain Name Zone

phn at phn at
Wed Jun 23 16:23:40 UTC 2004

Saunders, Shawn <SSaunders at> wrote:
> Is there any potential problems to the following scenario?

> I am authoritative for a domain, say that has some host addresses
> outside my firewall on public IP's.  But I must also, have the hosts, inside
> my firewall using Private Addresses within the domain
>, because of some legacy software that would require a major rewrite
> to access these hosts, if we changed their naming structure.

> I just find it odd, to have multiple networks, being resolved to the same
> domain, and if I do this, there is no real way to do the reverse zones for
> the domain, because it would entail having multiple reverse zones for the
> same domain, and is that allowed?

> Please anyone who has done this kind of thing, your advise would be greatly
> appreciated.  We are currently running it like this, but using all public
> addresses, with no reverse, but now part of this same domain structure is
> going to be behind a firewall, that will not provide static IP mapping to
> each internal address, for various other reasons, that don't really matter. 

> I just need to make sure this conversion goes well.  Any ideas?

> Sincerely,

bind-9 views might fit well into your scenario. ( answering differently
depending on the clients ip-address)

Peter Håkanson         
        IPSec  Sverige      ( At Gothenburg Riverside )
           Sorry about my e-mail address, but i'm trying to keep spam out,
	   remove "icke-reklam" if you feel for mailing me. Thanx.

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