Errcode: 10038: Socket operation on non-socket on a slave.

Danny Mayer mayer at
Mon Jun 21 23:46:30 UTC 2004

At 07:17 PM 6/21/2004, Michael Barber wrote:
>Thanks all!
>I asked a while back though if someone could give me a resource listing the
>pitfalls of migrating to 9.x.
>I know one problem is that I loose bindctrl.  But, the other critical issue
>is the question:  Do the configuration file and zones files of an 8.x
>implementation directly migratable to 9.x or is there something that must be

BINDCtrl is not such a pitfall since about the only thing you could use it 
for was to stop
and start the BIND service. You can do that with net stop named and net 
start named
and rndc is so much better for controlling things including the ability to 
reload zones
and configurations.

The only thing that may need to change is if you don't have a $TTL at the 
top of your
zone file it may complain when loading.


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