About "update" packets

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Wed Jun 16 13:05:19 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Maurizio" == Maurizio Colella <Maurizio.Colella at marconi.com> writes:

    Maurizio> Dear all, I'm having some problem with some clients that
    Maurizio> from internet try to "update" my DNS (9.2.3) !
    Maurizio> (..Hackers ?)  I need to make the update only from my
    Maurizio> machine, so i've configured my named.conf to use
    Maurizio> "allow-update" and "key stantement".  At the moment my
    Maurizio> DNS "denied" any update from all clients that are not
    Maurizio> compliant (..ip-address and key are not correct !!), in
    Maurizio> add, i've also closed all TCP packets from any to my
    Maurizio> DNS, becose i've suppose that "update" are performed
    Maurizio> only by TCP, but I see that "update" are always present
    Maurizio> ! So , my simply question is: Are in UDP packets the
    Maurizio> "nsupdate" ??.. 

Closing off TCP traffic to your name server is unwise. Don't do it.
Some things -- ie zone transfers -- only work over TCP. And it's
perfectly reasonable for a client to make queries over a TCP
connection too, even though most queries are done using UDP. This is
also true for dynamic updates. They tend to be made over UDP but can
be done with a TCP connection: check out the -v option to nsupdate.

BTW, combining IP addresses and TSIG (or SIG(0)) keys in a BIND9 ACL
is awkward. In other words, if you want to restrict access to clients
who have specific IP addresses AND use a TSIG or SIG(0) key, it can be
done. But it's clumsy. Consult the list archives. You might not have
configured your ACL the way you expected it to work.

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