batch reverse dns lookup

Danny Mayer mayer at
Tue Jun 15 17:08:46 UTC 2004

At 12:36 PM 6/12/2004, Andy Peters wrote:

>Hi i don't know if this is quite the group to ask this in (you are the dns
>guru's ?) so feel free to offer alternative group suggestions
>here's the problem, i have a list of domains (26,000+) in plain text format
>(its a hosts file to be exact) and i would like to seperate the domains that
>resolve to an ip from the ones that don't (to clean up the list and remove
>invalid and dead entries)
>any idea how i might achieve it ? i would of thought a quick bash or batch
>script could do this but not having any experience in shell scripts i dont
>know how i could do this
>any help or pointers would be appreciated (i have access to
>cheers folks
>Andy P

Don't bother. Just delete the hosts file. You don't need it as long as you 
have DNS
and the machine points to some nameservers. You are just wasting your time.
Worse than that the hosts file gets read sequentially (usually) and it will 
forever to find the name it needs. That's why DNS was designed in the first 


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