bind9-users Digest V5 #155

Sten Carlsen ccc2716 at
Tue Jun 15 07:46:41 UTC 2004

Jean Tourrilhes wrote:
>	This is even more messy than that. A casual look at the
>routing table can't tell you if a given nameserver is going to work or
>	Just to give you a *real* example. This is my route table :
>Kernel IP routing table
>Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
>   U     0      0        0 eth4
>         UG    0      0        0 eth4
>	The appropriate nameserver are :
>	In this case, the proper route is "". But,
>could point to anywhere else, so testing the presence of the
>route is not enough. In other case, you would use the subnet route,
>and that works differently. And you have no idea what kind of route is
>going to be configured, I may use a specific host route just for the
>	But, remember that I'm behind a application level
>firewall. Therefore, I can access some part of 15.X, and some part of
>15.X is not accessible (on the other side). So, I can't access the
>nameserver on the external HP network (but you can). There is no way
>I'm going to know that from the routing table.
>	If you want to do a perfect job, the only way to know is to
>try it, i.e. to send the request over the network. But, that's exactly
>what I'm trying to avoid for performance reason. And also because all
>resolver only allow for 3 nameserver, which is totally inadequate for
>such scenario.
>	So, what do I want to acheive. The point is not to get the
>perfect solution, that's impossible, but to get something that works
>in most cases and give the user enough hooks so that he can make the
>system works for him.
>	Now, back to your example. My assumption is that, if DHCP or
>PPP setup goes far enough to get some DNS info, it means that there
>was network connectivity one node on the subnet (PPP/DHCP
>server). Most connectivity problems happen at the link level, which
>means at that point, except rare messup of subnet config, you are good
>to go. Similarly, when link connectivity goes down, PPP and DHCP will
>exit and cleanup.
>	If both are up at the same time, you just hope that either the
>nameserver are on the local subnet (most case - would work ok), or
>that the user knows what he is doing and fix the resolver
>configuration accordingly. Because the config is now split in multiple
>files, one per interface, it's easy for the user script to just rename
>the file of the interface it's not using to something else. The
>difference with what we have today, is that today we have an anonymous
>config in /etc/resolv.conf, whereas my proposal allows to strongly
>associate config to interface, making it easy to know which is which.
>	Note that in the case of most mobile device, for battery sake,
>you really want to "down" the interfaces that you are not using. And
>it's far easier to just down an interface than to play elaborate
>tricks with the routing table.
Yes for mobile and even portable (battery operated) devices all 
interfaces not needed will be not just down, they will be "power off". 
This leaves the question of switching sequence: current if goes down 
(off line) before next is started. Or opposite? I believe in the first. 
A user will always(?) use the cheapest way to connect and only when that 
fails switch to the next option (if any). If this is true, clean up is 
much easier and only the code for each if going up or down needs to be 
involved. This is pretty much current situation, where this gets messy 
is when you also have fixed (static) setups involved, and when DHCP or 
PPP will not provide the needed details.

Routing tables from my MAC, I don't use IP6:

Routing tables


Destination        Gateway            Flags    Refs      Use  Netif Expire

default            christina.s-carlse UGSc        2        0    en1

localhost          localhost          UH         10    29367    lo0

169.254            link#5             UCS         0        0    en1

192.168.14         link#5             UCS         1        0    en1

silver.s-carlsen.d localhost          UHS         0        0    lo0

christina.s-carlse 0:2:96:1:3e:98     UHLW        5      354    en1    200


Destination        Gateway            Flags      Netif Expire

                                      UH          lo0

fe80::%en0         link#4             UC          en0

                   0:3:93:d3:c3:36    UHL         lo0

fe80::%en1         link#5             UC          en1

                   0:3:93:eb:7f:59    UHL         lo0

ff01::                                U           lo0

ff02::%lo0                            UC          lo0

ff02::%en0         link#4             UC          en0

ff02::%en1         link#5             UC          en1

>>>	Please report ;-) Note that Win32 also seems to get it right,
>>>but I don't expect to know how they do it :-(
>>As far as I can tell the Apple source code is available at:
>>I have not looked into the sources, I assume you could get the picture 
>>much quicker than me.
>	I'm not familiar with *BSD code, and I've never used OS-X, so
>you would know much faster than me. Just check the content of
>resolv.conf on a live system and how it evolves.
Fresh from the system (behind a NAT. All details given by DHCP):

silver:~>cd /etc
silver:/etc>ls re*

resolver:      local
silver:/etc>cat resolv.conf
silver:/etc>cd resolver/
silver:/etc/resolver>ls      local
silver:/etc/resolver>cat local
port 5353
timeout 1
port 5353
timeout 1

All the resolver/* stuff is for "Rendevouz" = multicast DNS , even that 
works together with windows on a separate isolated network.

>	Have fun...
>	Jean

Best regards

Sten Carlsen

No improvements come from shouting:


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