DNS server keeps terminating

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Fri Jun 4 19:35:14 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Venkat" == Venkat Reddy Valluri <venkatv at quinnfable.com> writes:

    Venkat>   lame server resolving 'no.valid.emailaddre
    Venkat> sses.here.com' (in 'here.com'?):

This is a common error message. Somebody else -- in this case here.com
-- has a broken DNS set up. One of the name servers that should answer
for this domain,, doesn't. This is not your problem
unless you're responsible for here.com. It's very unlikely this is
related in any way to:

    Venkat>  message.c:809: REQUIRE(*rdataset =3D=3D ((void *)0))
    Venkat> failed exiting (due to assertion failure) =20
    Venkat>  Can you please shed some light on this and help me out
    Venkatf> why it is giving = this message

This is a bug. If you're not running the current version of BIND9
upgrade. If you are, or the problem persists after the upgrade, file a
bug report. Details of how to do that are in the BIND9 documentation.

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