CNAME and other data -vs- could not find NS and/or SOA records

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Jun 2 21:23:40 UTC 2004

>>>>> "phil" == phil-news-nospam  <phil-news-nospam at> writes:

    phil> But it needs to be done.

No it doesn't. You may think so. But nobody else seem to agree with
you. If you disagree, write up a draft and submit it to the IETF. If
they like it, I will be delighted to admit you were right and I was

There's clearly no point continuing this discussion. You don't
understand why your suggestion is stupid and unworkable. You won't
listen when this is repeatedly explained to you. You don't even seem
to appreciate your idea has a massive impact on the world's installed
base of DNS implementations.

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