Top Level Domains

Robert Wessel robertwessel2 at
Wed Jun 2 08:24:03 UTC 2004

spam at (Gnos Theos) wrote in message news:<c9if5b$2vp4$1 at>...
> Hello,
> Does anyone know of a list of TLDs that are 
> two levels, e.g., or ?

By definition, there is no such thing - a "top level domain," doesn't
have two levels.

If the .uk owners decided to implement .co under .uk, good for them. 
As a counterexample, the second level under the .us domain is usually
a state name (eg., with further delegation under that.

Policy for any given domain is delegated to the owner of that domain. 
Whatever rules they choose to implement for subdomains is strictly up
to them.  Policy for that subdomain is then delegated to the owner of
that subdomain.

If some ccTLD (".xy" for example) owner chose to implement the local
".com" domain under .commercial.blah.yada.drivel.xy, they're quite
free to do so.

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