domain name entries in a zone

Barry Margolin barmar at
Wed Jun 2 19:08:55 UTC 2004

In article <c9kuga$2lab$1 at>,
 "Preston Wade" <Preston_Wade at> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply.
> The primary domain is actually being hosted by someone else.  So in this =
> case this would not work.  However I am using this method for some other =
> domains.
> I think a lot of people have missed my point.  I wasn't looking for =
> responses about what users expect.  I get that all the time.  I was =
> really looking for more of a philosophical conversation around whether =
> host type records should be allowed for domain names.  Personally, I =
> believe host type resource records for should have to be made in =
> the com domain.  Not that it would be possible, but given the hierarchy =
> that is how I think it should work.

Why do you think that?  The organization that manages the COM domain 
doesn't manage any of the machines or networks in the FOO.COM domain.  
Why should they be involved if the address of the machine 
changes?  The purpose of delegation is to assign the responsibility for 
maintaining records to the organization that's managing the hosts or 
networks.  The only time the parent zone's administrators should be 
involved is if something related to the delegation is changing.

Barry Margolin, barmar at
Arlington, MA
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